Sunday, March 8, 2009

B. Hussein Obama - Continued

In my most recent post, I stated, "take my word for it; this is one time that the moniker “progressive” fits, only in the sense that this monstrous bill will only “progress” (i.e. continue to grow) to astronomical proportions." I don't claim to be any sort of prophet, and that is one time I would like to see my "prophecy" prove false. But, it hasn't proven so, and it is coming to pass. Just consider: first, it was TARP at $700B, then the stimulus bill at $790B, then I think it was a $265B bail out for health care, then several other things I don't remember right off, and now a $420B budget for the current fiscal year. The latest total of all this is $3.6 TRILLION (MSNBC News and other sources). Where will it end? Answer: it won't! As long as we have a "progressive" in the White House, and "progressive" controlled Congress, this mess will just continue to get worse. The "progressives" constantly whined and moaned about President Bush doubling the national budget in the 8 years he was in office. B. Hussein Obama has doubled the national budget in SIX WEEKS! The stock market has tanked and continues a death spiral down. What little retirement savings the wife and I had in the market is worth only half of what it was worth before the election. I'm afraid we need to be ready for a long haul of this kind of Obama economic "recovery". I urge my children and everybody to prepare. I hope and pray that Obamanomics will not hit my family too hard, but what else can we expect? Everyone (except of course Obama and the tax cheating "progressive" elites) is going to suffer as a result of these misguided policies. May God help us all!!

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