Saturday, June 7, 2008

They Got It Right!

I noted this past week a couple of news articles reporting that the Texas Supreme Court has ruled that all the children captured in the invasion of the Yearning for Zion Ranch must be returned to their families. I honor the Texas Supreme Court for getting it right. It is the first glimmer of common sense I have seen in this entire situation. I emphasize again, I do not condone coercing young pubescent girls into premature marriage. Warren Jeffs was convicted of being an accomplice to rape and is currently serving time for actions related to this. But, if there are things like this going on, they should be addressed legally on an individual, case-by-case basis. It would have been totally inappropriate to arrest the entire membership of the FLDS Church because of crimes alleged to have been committed by Warren Jeffs. But, that is essentially what happened at the YZR compound. The entire YZR compound was invaded, all the YZR families were disrupted, all the children (even nursing babies) were captured and removed from parental custody, and it was all precipitated because of a single hoax phone call. I still can’t believe this happened in the United States of America. I hope there will be justice for the people of the YZRanch, some kind of pay back to the Texas agencies involved in this atrocity. Bless the Texas Supreme Court.

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